14. Cher, Dolly Parton, Man-Buns

Guest panelist Jason helps us add Cher, Dolly Parton and the hairstyle known as the man-bun to the List of Every Damn Thing.
Phil and Jake-- and guest panelist Jason-- expand the List of Every Damn Thing by ranking Cher, Dolly Parton, and hair buns on men aka man-buns (aka top-knots).

If you have something to add to the List of Every Damn Thing, let us know by sending an email to list@everydamnthing.net


ghosts * skeptical Scully on The X-Files * Bagel Boy * the Kardashians * David Letterman * Thelma & Louise * auto-tune aka  the “Cher Effect” * didgeridoos * Gene Simmons * Jessica Rabbit * Chaz Bono * Elijah Blue / Deadsy * Donald Duck * burning Confederate flags * Darcey & Stacey * Sexy Beasts * Conan (the barbarian) * Red Sonja * toe shoes

Below is the List of Every Damn Thing as of this episode (for the most up-to-date list, go here):

  1. Dolly Parton - person
  2. Prince - person
  3. Cher - person
  4. Donald Duck - fictional character
  5. Hank Williams, Sr - person
  6. air - substance
  7. Watchmen - comic book
  8. onions - food
  9. “Midnight Train to Georgia” - music
  10. sex - idea
  11. intro to “Back That Azz Up” - music
  12. shirtless men wearing elaborate angel wings, gold lamé shorts & furry cha-cha heels - idea
  13. plants - life form
  14. nail clippers - tool
  15. rye bread - food
  16. land - substance
  17. Charmander - fictional character
  18. A-shirts (aka “wifebeaters”) - clothing
  19. “Dancing Queen” - music
  20. Watchmen - TV series
  21. Jessica Rabbit - fictional character
  22. Cheech and Chong - comedy act
  23. “Tulsa Time” - music
  24. cold brew shandy - beverage
  25. Jersey Shore - location
  26. crows - animal
  27. sea - substance
  28. coffee - beverage
  29. Whoppers - food
  30. national debt - idea 
  31. band t-shirts - clothing
  32. moist - word
  33. lightning rounds - idea
  34. generation ships - idea
  35. sardines - animal
  36. Tommy Bahama shirts - clothing
  37. man-bun - hairstyle
  38. toe shoes - clothing
  39. “Do You Know the Way to San Jose” - song
  40. Watchmen - movie
  41. blood - substance
  42. Oreos - food
  43. pigeons - animal
  44. sports team jerseys - clothing
  45. Josta - beverage 
  46. Gambit - fictional character
  47. Surge - beverage
  48. Double Stuf Oreos - food
  49. Jenny McCarthy - person
  50. Hank Williams, Jr - person
  51. QAnon - idea

The theme song for this episode is by Jade Puget.

Graphic design by Jason Mann.

Our website is everydamnthing.net

Email us at list@everydamnthing.net